Reading Hermit}One Leafe Left In A Study

I once thought to myself, in one of those moments of passing lucidity: Is the point of life to remember how to enjoy breathing? Is it the most basic pleasure?





Did you know the word “panic” does derive from Pan?  Look it up, might be buried deeper than a single dictionary.

Did you know that Freud posited that the idiosyncratic, neuroses afflicting individuals in society are a result of human civilization itself, not some inherent biology deficiency?

Involuntary loss of control over voluntary processes. Inability to breath.

Breathless. Is that not the quintessence of smoking, smoking anything, inhaling anything?

Taking in the air around you seems inane or futile. Breathing reaffirms life.

Music and speech force breath and leave breathless. Breathing through your nose,

closing your throat to prevent air slipping through

renders speechless.


Here are the things I’ve been thinking/reading over the last few years:

iPagan. Edited by Trevor Greenfield, 2018. Textbook for learning organizational & historical of “naturalist” sects.

The Glass Bead Game (Master Ludi). Hermann Hesse, 1990. Henry Holt

Foucault’s Pendulum. Umberto Eco, 1988. “A Helen and Kurt Wolff book.”

On Literature. Umberto Eco.

The Confessions of St. Augustine. find the Oxford version. Read it as though your narrator is being completely ironic. 

Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling

Kantian Reason

Bertrand Russell’s efforts to formalize systems

Sartre’s Being and Non-Being

Consider: Euclidean/Non-Euclidean Space ; Gödel’s sentence G ; a priori methods formalizing almost axiomatically ; the difference between linear/non-linear equations ; consider the different types of numbers and the number line ; consider the difference between permutations and combinations

Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel. Rebecca Goldstein 2005.

Gödel Escher Bach ; Metamathematical Themas ; Mind’sI. Douglas R. Hofstadter

Gödel’s Proof. Ernest Nagel, James R. Hofstadter, 2001

 A Mathematician’s Apology. G.H. Hardy, 1940

Introduction to Logic. Patrick Suppes, 1957

Short Stories: The Circular Ruins (Jorges Borges) ; The Beautiful Dream  (Hermann Hesse) ; The Dream of Poliphilius ; The Great God Pan Arthur Machen

Consider and draw the Sephirotic Tree.

Consider the nature of words and language: Use Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements as introduction

Consider Parzifal (A.T. Hatto’s translation of Wolfram Von Eschenbach)

Danse Macabre. Stephen King.

Plato-Socrates: The Apology, Phaedo, Swan’s Song,

Random Rabbit Holes: the concept of godess/godheads, female and male sexuality/Hesperus is Phosphorus/a book’s copyright page, Odysseus, Ajax.

The Ecstasy Beyond Knowing: A Manual of Meditation. Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, 2014.

The most interesting question that comes from all this reading, in my opinion: What is the subliminal symbolism of sexuality?




Author: writtencasey

I am fascinated by the scientific endeavor and I read about or engage with those processes as much as possible. I am a compulsive reader and writer. With a background in anthropology and as an arm-chair/backyard scientist, I hope to improve my writing skills and learn about any areas of weakness or misunderstanding in my analytic skills. I am excited to share. Thank you for spending time here. Please reach out if you are so inclined. I'd be excited to hear from you.

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