
Hello, dear partners in crime,

I am excited to have an ekphrastic piece up on the delightfully prolific Experiments in Fiction site.

You can check it out here.

EIF Ekphrastic Challenge: The Results

Two other fantastic writers are also featured. You can show them some love, too!


Ron Rowland:

Also featured is artwork and thoughts from renaissance man Nick Reeves.

perhaps this is what they call jazz?

Author: writtencasey

I am fascinated by the scientific endeavor and I read about or engage with those processes as much as possible. I am a compulsive reader and writer. With a background in anthropology and as an arm-chair/backyard scientist, I hope to improve my writing skills and learn about any areas of weakness or misunderstanding in my analytic skills. I am excited to share. Thank you for spending time here. Please reach out if you are so inclined. I'd be excited to hear from you.

5 thoughts on “Links”

    1. Thank you, Ingrid. I’ve learned more poetic styles from you than from my previous lit teachers. Ephrastic was a wonderful form to try. The word and style of ‘ephrastic’ sounds reminiscent of the ecstatic poetry of the Sufis…which I love dearly.

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